sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2015

Bautizamos una estrella y sus cuatro planetas. #yoestrellacervantes

Name a star and its four planets.  Somewhere in the Ara constellation, around a star without a proper name, only known by the letter μ, four planets trace their paths. Around an author of universal fame, also his four main characters revolve. 

We propose to elevate Cervantes to the status of a galactic Apolo, lending his name to the system’s central star, while Don Quijote (Quixote), Rocinante, Sancho and Dulcinea are justly transfigured into his planetary escort.

More information in http://estrellacervantes.es/

For voting http://nameexoworlds.iau.org/

Listen the podcast since 6:52 "Bautizar una estrella en RNE http://mvod.lvlt.rtve.es/resources/TE_SNOESU/mp3/2/1/1443251222112.mp3

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