José Luis: automoción, coche eléctrico, bobina de Tesla.
Julia: ver la voz, otros experimentos con sonido.
Ana: aprovechar la energía solar para hornos, cocina e invernaderos.
Yosra: Utilizar la energía química de fruta y verdura para hacer pilas.
Alejandro: cómo hacer fluidos que amortigüen la energía del moviento.
Alicia: aprovechar energía solar y los circuitos eléctricos.
Blog de trabajo y comunicación. 3er. Ciclo de Educación Primaria. CEIP Andalucía.
miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2016
martes, 15 de marzo de 2016
Más sobre el Método Científico
Vamos a ver el vídeo siguiente y contestar a continuación a una serie de preguntas sobre el método científico. Ten en cuenta que tendremos que aplicarlo para solucionar algunos problemas energéticos de nuestro entorno. Ya hicimos algunas preguntas, el siguiente paso sería redactar hipótesis que no es otra cosa que conjeturas o suposiciones de cómo resolver el problema planteado o la forma de dar respuesta a las preguntas.
Ficha para tomar nuestras notas
We use the scientific method
To conduct our experiments
If we follow the steps closely
We greatly reduce the risk
Of drawing false conclusions
Based on our hypothesis
That's why we use the scientific method.
Well we start with a problem
That needs to be solved
Then we gather information
Yea we try to learn it all
We form a hypothesis, an educated guess
Conduct an experiment to put it to the test
We record all the data
And then we analyze
We state our conclusion
Once we know we have it right
Now it's time to double check
Make sure our work is correct
We start from the beginning and repeat each step

Ficha para tomar nuestras notas
We use the scientific method
To conduct our experiments
If we follow the steps closely
We greatly reduce the risk
Of drawing false conclusions
Based on our hypothesis
That's why we use the scientific method.
Well we start with a problem
That needs to be solved
Then we gather information
Yea we try to learn it all
We form a hypothesis, an educated guess
Conduct an experiment to put it to the test
We record all the data
And then we analyze
We state our conclusion
Once we know we have it right
Now it's time to double check
Make sure our work is correct
We start from the beginning and repeat each step
lunes, 14 de marzo de 2016
Un científico se hace preguntas para resolver problemas. Veamos algunas preguntas que nos hemos planteado relacionadas con la energía:
- ¿Cómo podría transportar energía electrica de una lugar a otro?
- ¿Cómo puedo evitar el dolor de cabeza que produce el uso abusivo de dispositivos eléctricos?
- ¿Cómo ahorrar gasolina?
- ¿Cómo puedo tener energía sin comer?
- ¿Podemos evitar la radiación nuclear?
- ¿Cómo produce energía la luciérnaga?
- ¿Se podría transportar energía lumínica?
- ¿Cómo podemos evitar los problemas con la energía química si tomamos mucho azúcar?
- ¿Cómo podemos hacer para usar más las bicicletas, patines, etc, que los coches y motos?
- ¿Por qué algunas bombillas gastan menos energía que otras?
- ¿Por qué las pilas contaminan tanto? ¿Qué hacer para evitarlo?
sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016
Somos científicos. La energía que no mueve.
Vamos a convertirnos en científíficos, nos haremos preguntas para resolver problemas, plantearemos hipótesis, haremos estudios, investigaciones y experimentos para después presentarlos a los demás.
Pero primero tenemos que conocer los contenidos del área que vamos a trabajar: LA ENERGÍA Y SUS USOS EFICIENTES. DÍA MUNDIAL DE LA EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA 5 DE MARZO DE 2016. En "No es un día cualquiera" programa de radio de esa fecha, se debate sobre este tema.
- Lectura de los textos de la páginas 28 a 31 del libro de CIENCIAS DE LA NATURALEZA.
- Realizar EN EL CUADERNO las actividades y ejercicios que allí se exponen.
viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016
jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016
Selling our products
Team 1. Paula, Lucía, Cynthia y Paulina
Seller: Good afternoon, Can I help you?
Buyer: I need bracelets.
Seller: What bracelets do you like?
Buyer: I like red ones.
Seller: How many do you need?
Buyer: I need five bracelets. How much do they cost?
Seller: They are 25 cts each.
Team 2.
Ana, Jennifer, Alejandro Blanco y David Losada.
Seller: Hello, Can I help you?
Buyer: Yes, please
Seller: Do you want to try our edible diamonds?
Buyer: ok, I love it
Seller: Do you like it?
Buyer: yes, I told you I love them.
Seller: Do you want to buy it?
Buyer: Yes, I want to buy two, a broch and a false diamon.
How much do they cost?
Seller: They are 2 euros and 35 cents each.
Team 3.
Paloma, David, Katya y Óscar
Seller: Can I help you?
Buyer: Yes, please
Seller: Do you like to try any bracelets?
Buyer: Yes, I love it
Seller: How many do you want?
Buyer: I want two bracelets, please.
Seller: Ok, They are 60 cents.
Team 4.
Julia, José Luis, Ken and Yosra
Seller: Hello, Can I help you?
Buyer: Yes, please, I need a piece of cake.
Seller: Ok, here you are.
Buyer: Oh, thank you, How much is it?
Seller: They are one euros.
Buyer: Ok, here you are.
Seller: Thank I have cup cakes
Buyer: Oh give me one. How much is it all together?
Seller. It's 2 euros. Here you are. Thank you.
Our marketing Plan/Template/Plantilla
We are going to obtain and sell this product: bracelets. And It is made of plastic bands.
The plastic bands are small soft and elastic, flexible, colourful.
We can make the bracelets, weave the plastic bands to get our product.
Our marketing plan to sell our bracelets is to sell them during the school break. The cost of the bracelets is about 50 cents. We will sell them without a wrapper because the customers can try them on.
Our plan of advertisement is to talk to people about our product at the school playground. It is called word of mouth.
Our slogan would be "With the friendship bracelets our dreams will come true"
We are going to obtain and sell three cakes. Our Cupcakes are made of cakes, Nutella and flour.
Flour is solid. Chocolate and flour are made of wheat
We can make the following changes. The flour into dough and another matter does not chage.
We are going to obtain and sell this product: bracelets. And It is made of plastic bands.
The plastic bands are small soft and elastic, flexible, colourful.
We can make the bracelets, weave the plastic bands to get our product.
Our marketing plan to sell our bracelets is to sell them during the school break. The cost of the bracelets is about 50 cents. We will sell them without a wrapper because the customers can try them on.
Our plan of advertisement is to talk to people about our product at the school playground. It is called word of mouth.
Our slogan would be "With the friendship bracelets our dreams will come true"
We are going to obtain and sell three cakes. Our Cupcakes are made of cakes, Nutella and flour.
Flour is solid. Chocolate and flour are made of wheat
We can make the following changes. The flour into dough and another matter does not chage.
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